0x Integration
Coinrule has partnered with 0x to have the smoothest trading experience. 0x handles the execution of your trades/swaps onchain with access to 7+ million tokens with liquidity from 130+ exchanges.
What is 0x?
0x is an Aggregator. An Aggregator is a service that connects to multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to find the best prices and lowest fees for your trades. Aggregators ensure that you get the most efficient trade execution across different liquidity pools.
Why 0x?
0x is well known for processing over 71 million transactions and $148B+ in volume from more than 8 million users and is used by many of the top trading apps including Coinbase Wallet, Robinhood Wallet, Matcha, Metamask, Zerion, Zapper, and more.
Because more and more forms of value are tokenized, liquidity is increasingly more fragmented across different blockchains and different DEX protocols on the chains. This makes it increasingly challenging to access tokens - not every liquidity source has every token, not every token is available on every chain.
Aggregators such as 0x offer easy access to navigate this fragmented liquidity for ERC20 tokens.
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