SAFE {Wallet}

Accessing your Smart Account on the Safe{Wallet} App allows you to:

  • View your Assets

  • Send Assets (Withdraw)

  • Add New Owners

  • Change Signature Policies

The Safe{Wallet} web interface does not hold a private key. Therefore it cannot sign or execute transactions without a connected wallet. This is called the signer wallet. It is the same wallet you used to connect to Coinrule and to set up your Smart Account.

Your Smart Account has a different address from the address of your signer wallet.

  1. Fetch your Smart Account address from the Exchanges page on Coinrule:

  2. Click on 'Fund My Wallet'. At the top of the pop-up, select the 'Transfer Manually' tab. Get your Smart Account address by either scanning the QR code or clicking on the copy icon to copy the address for your chosen network.

    • Note: This process will be improved soon.

  3. Then navigate to the Safe{Wallet} App, there you can connect your signer wallet and view both the assets and applications you interact with most.

Last updated